Dealing with stdin (standard input) in Python

When I started out with competitive programming, I was frequently confused with the usage and implementation of stdin a.k.a. Standard Input in Python.  If you have tried competitive programming, where your code is tested against numerous test cases, you may have come across

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Using Github Through Git Shell

What is Github? Github’s Wikipedia page defines it as below, GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service, which offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. That’s quite a mouthful. Basically Github is a

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Why is Python so cool?

I was recently looking for a language which could help me in learning data science. I stumbled upon this language called Python which has been there since sometime, but is yet to become as popular as C++ or Java. I thought of giving

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Queue using Java Collections Framework

Queue is implemented in Java using the Collections Framework. It helps us in doing the actual work rather than making the primitive stack functions again and again.  Queue follows FIRST IN FIRST OUT operation. [crayon-62f32d94aa029067481716/] /* OUTPUT run: Queue contains-> Enter choice:

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Stack using Java Collections Framework

Stack is implemented in Java using the Collections Framework. It helps us in doing the actual work rather than making the primitive stack functions again and again.  Stack follows LAST IN FIRST OUT operation. Stack only defines the default constructor, which creates

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